Why Red Fox, who is really that vixen?
I am afraid, I am not a wonderful Red Fox, esq., not even a red vixen... I am a human, a secondary school teacher (KS3,4 snf A-levels) and I have been working at a mainstream school in England,had taught English as a Foreign Language overseas for last 25 years !
By choosing Red Fox as a nick, I want to say: ' I am a friendly beast and happy to share a lot, but I am not here to promote myself personally.I am shy as a fox, that runs very close... alike Foxes I keep secrets'.
The motto of a professional teacher is : “Be friendly but do not make friends!” I mean you make friends with your learners and teachers, but you do not create personal friendship bonds over internet site. Let keep it virtual.
This Red Vixen comes around and brings her cabs to play in the field behind our garden, but does not like my Jackrussels. There is some misunderstanding between them. One Red Vixen used to hang around when we had chickens: Mona, Lisa, Trudy, and Lotta.
Apart from my self-financed Talk2 Red Fox project with all of its resources, I also use Cloud-disks like Yandex and Google, free blogs provided by WIX and other platforms, video channels by Vimeo and YouTube, & channels on Telegram and for on-line live Forums on Discord. l-time class with other learners.
Red Fox has courses you can buy and classes you can download. There are PPPressentaions and plans. Workshops and classes for those who study English. There are 2 types - 1 you can download and work yourself, 2- having a few consultations; 3- Join an on-line real-time class with other learners.
This is my e-learning platform, where I create "courses" for friends & learners, run club and workshops. I think aloud about British Culture and life, share what you teach me. And what I can teach you.
Some publications might be more interesting for adults and others for Teenagers, but there is nothing that you cannot show a child !
You probably need to sign in to get access to most materials.But there are posts each week with something to learn.
Apart from my self-financed Talk2 Red Fox and Talk to Fox( at the moment only in Russian, but plan Italian and Polish) projects with all of it's resources, I also use Cloud-disks like Yandex and Google, free blogs provided by WIX and other platforms, video channels by Vimeo and YouTube, & channels on Telegram and for on-line live Forums on Discord.
Always exploring! Check them out & join in Talk2RedFox!
SO what is your cup of tea?
Brows the posts and feel free to leave a comment. I need it, otherwise how to improve my site? How to create the most useful articles?
And in addition.
I have BA Hons in Teaching Arts, Certificate in TESOL, and PGCE level 6. I also have 15 years of experience teaching Art History and Live Drawing. Now I am working from home, but I miss the audience. e support of my co-learners Sergey B, Grzegorz SH, and Artem G, Lera S, who were so kind to give their time to help me to translate articles and create working site.
I live in a beautiful rural part of England in a small village near a big city and not far from the sea.Some lovely Red Foxes run around and we meet them daily.
I am not a native speaker, but I use English from the age of 7. I am learning Russian and German (though it meant to be my mother tongue) started Italian. So, I am “in your shoes”!