This site is an initiative of a private person.And though I am a professional teacher, I have not made it into some kind of business.I wonder if I should.
Make sure that you follow what and how your child/dren dealing with information on this site or any other Interent resource. if you feel something is not right, please, make a step forward, check! , may be through International organisation ,
Please, try to use free sources or get permittion from the owners to use materials. if you need to use quatation marks, italic and references.
Digital worldis changing far too fast! Make time to learn what is new
There are free materials and articles but we send packs for DIY English and for Classes on demand for some fee.
Author keeps the right to terminate lessons on the ground of complete lack of interest, umappropriate behavirour ( rude words, harrasment of bulling);
There is right to hide your appearance or name from other members,but admin , Redfox should know who is standing behind each and any nick,mask etc
I am not prepared, my dear young readers, to charge you, send you any information, class material etc., unless we have an agreement with your guardian or parent inm written form and after a small chat on skype, Zoom,whatsapp etc. Sorry,
All information on your child and you is private and is not shared with anybody unless it is stated in agreement we sign.